NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby admin » March 19th, 2013, 5:26 am


We are happy to announce the launch of a new version of the New Lakota Dictionary Online (NLD-O).

Please let us describe some of the new features of the recently launched third version.

1) For the Lakota word-search input you can choose between “Approximate spelling” and “Exact spelling”. Each approach has different advantages.

° Approximate spelling

This feature enables you to type Lakota words without diacritics and use some of the older and simplified spelling systems. For instance, typing in kute will yield the entry khuté, searching for najin will yield nážiŋ, typing in anagoptan will show the entry anáǧoptaŋ.
This option is useful for people who are not yet familiar with the consistent phonemic spelling based on the NLD orthography. But it can also be useful to those reading old texts, most of which use simplified non-phonemic spelling. For instance, if you type in the word spelled as toka, the approximate spelling search will yield three entries: tȟóka ‘enemy’, tókȟa ‘something is happening’ and tȟoká ‘first’. Based on context you can then decide which of the three words is meant in the text.
The one disadvantage of the Approximate spelling search is that the search results can sometimes be too broad. For instance if you type in “ka” the search will yield entries ka-, , kȟá and k’á, so you will have to scroll down to find the desired entry.
This search option is useful when reading old texts written in simplified orthographies and when unsure about the phonemic spelling (i.e. pronunciation) of a word.

° Exact spelling

With this feature ON the dictionary database will be searched only for the word matching your spelling. So if you type in káŋ the dictionary will display the entry káŋ ‘to be old’ and if you type in kȟáŋ the search will yield kȟáŋ ‘vein’. Typing in “toka” will yield no result as there is no such Lakota word when exact spelling is used.
We recommend that this feature is turned ON by users who are already familiar with the NLD based spelling. The advantage is that the search results are exact so you will not have to scroll down and read through numerous entries which have no relation to your search. This feature is also particularly useful when you are trying to look up words from texts written in the consistent orthography.

2) Special character input

You can choose one of three options to type special Lakota characters into the search field:

a) Click on the letter-buttons (icons) displayed above the search field.

This is fully satisfactory if you want to look up just a few words at a time.

b) Use the NLDO integrated Virtual keyboard (KEYBOARD ON)

If you check this check-box your physical keyboard will be temporarily remapped to allow typing the Lakota specific characters. The layout is described in the HELP file. The main advantage of this function is that it allows typing Lakota characters quickly and without the need to install anything on your computer. Note that the remapping of your keyboard will work only on the NLD-O webpage and that your keyboard will be unaffected by it elsewhere.

c) Use your own Lakota keyboard

You can also type Lakota characters using your locally installed Lakota keyboard, such as the Lakota Keyboard and Font bundle or a keyboard designed with the MS Keyboard Creator. In this case leave the KEYBOARD ON checkbox unchecked.

Please note that if you want to look up words from older texts or use approximate spelling it is better to leave the KEYBOARD checkbox unchecked. This is because the Lakota keyboard layout will prevent you from typing the letter “j”.

3) Autocomplete

When you have typed the first three letters of your needed Lakota word, a list of suggestions will appear below. Note that the suggestions are first selected from the 1000 most frequent words, and only after you type in more letters will you be given suggestions from the entire list of dictionary headwords.

4) Lemmatizer

This feature existed in the previous version of the NLD-O but we want to introduce it to the new users as it is of immense importance and help. One of the aspects of Lakota which can slow down beginners from reading texts is the complexity of verb conjugation. For instance one cannot find the word mawáni as a dictionary entry because it the 1st singular (‘I’) form of the verb máni. The lemmatizer makes it possible to find these conjugated forms, so if you look up walówaŋ, the search result will say that it is “The 1st singular form of lowáŋ”. The NLD-O lemmatizer currently recognizes all conjugation forms of the vast majority of Lakota verbs, reaching to around 500,000 word forms. We continue improving the algorithm to make it recognize more inflected word forms and we hope that Lakota language learners will make much use of this tool.

5) Updates

The content of the dictionary has been updated in two ways. Firstly, additional edits and corrections have been implemented (many of them with the help of the forum members). Secondly the dictionary has been expanded with 2247 new entries. The majority of the new entries represent words which had not been previously documented in a Lakota dictionary, a few of the new words are attestations of entries from older dictionaries.

We would be happy to hear your thoughts about the new version of the NLD online.

If you like the Online dictionary and find it useful for your Lakota language learning, please consider making a donation so that we can continue maintaining and developing the dictionary, and keeping it accessible to the Lakota language community.

You can donate online at this address: ... 20-1158601

Your support will ensure that we can continue working towards the Lakota language documentation and revitalization.

Wóphila uŋkéničiyape ló.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Nina » March 19th, 2013, 8:36 pm


This is an awesome work, and well worth waiting for. To everyone involved in this project, wóphila tȟáŋka ečhíčiyapi! I can only guess at how many hours of planning and work were needed to produce it, complete with its new design and new features. I like the “approximate spelling” option in particular, because it helps me to find words that I’m not sure how to spell (and there are many!)

While NLD-O was away, I did rediscover the pleasure and advantages of the print version, but I’m very happy to welcome my old friend back again in its fine new clothes :)

This is an invaluable resource, and so I have gladly sent a donation in recognition and appreciation.

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Kostya » March 19th, 2013, 11:28 pm

Friends, if you find bugs or somehow improper work of the new verions of NLDO (in fact, it is a beta version), please specify them in this topic.

You should specify:
1. your OS (e.g. WinXP)
2. your browser (e.g. Firefox 19, Internet Explorer 6, Chrome 25)
3. what exactly does not work (e.g. when you switch to Lakota-English mode a poisonous smoke evaporates from the monitor, or the Lakota keybord does not change r to š, or it works in the English mode so you get "wateš" instead of "water", etc.)

I tested the NLDO 3 on my Win7 FF10 and 19, IE 9, Chrome 25 - E-L and L-E translations work both when I press Enter key and click on Search button.

Maybe some old browsers could work improperly.
Also, NLDO does not work properly on most Android browsers except Chrome (and Chrome works only on Android 4).
I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project (Donation #: 841496). Can you help too?
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Daniel » March 20th, 2013, 1:18 am

Tuwé kiŋ oyásʼiŋ tȟáŋka wówaši k'uŋ hé él óyapȟapi kiŋ hená wóphila tȟáŋka ečhíčiyapi na ičhíčiyuškiŋpe ló. :clapping:
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Jan » March 20th, 2013, 12:20 pm

Jezter wrote:Two questions...

1. Is the NLD-O v3 completely finished? Or is there still tweaking going on>

2. Do we report any errors and such, and if so, where do we send them?

**kind of like 4 questions in there...**


no dictionary is ever finished :) . That's a well know cliche among lexicographers. The complexity and sheer size makes dictionaries doomed to contain some things to improve, add or modify. So we will continue working on the content and reports on errors are always welcome.

As for the search engine and interface, these are still a beta version, so the release is part of testing the new functionality. If you notice anything quirky, do let us know. Make sure to specify your OS and browser.

Thank you
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby admin » March 21st, 2013, 9:58 am

We will be happy to hear feedback on the new version of the online dictionary.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby NancyD » March 21st, 2013, 7:24 pm

Thank you for the updates on the NLD-O. The new features are excellent.

Will we be able to double click words in the forum like we did before to see the word meanings?

Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby admin » March 22nd, 2013, 12:01 am

NancyD wrote:Thank you for the updates on the NLD-O. The new features are excellent.

Great. We are glad the forum members find them useful.

Will we be able to double click words in the forum like we did before to see the word meanings?

We are still working on the the NLD-I, and we hope it will work again soon enough.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Berit » March 22nd, 2013, 8:51 am

I am using Internet Explorer 9.0 64bit-edition.
With this browser I get entrys like this: DÓyXPopNS oyk póX ÓpbX eZy.
I tried a different browser today (google chrome) and now everything works alright.

Like everybody else I am very happy that NLD-O is back online again.
A big Thank you to all the people involved for the immense work that must have been behind it!

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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby NancyD » March 22nd, 2013, 10:12 am

admin wrote:
NancyD wrote:
Will we be able to double click words in the forum like we did before to see the word meanings?

We are still working on the the NLD-I, and we hope it will work again soon enough.

Thank you very much!
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby red eagle » March 22nd, 2013, 1:51 pm

Háŋ mitákuyepi, yaglí kta kéha.
Wóphila wóphila wóphila
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Sky » March 23rd, 2013, 5:39 pm

When I search for a word in English, and click on the Lakota word it gives me, it searches the Lakota word for me automatically...however in the upgrade, it doesn't do it properly, when I click the word, it searches random characters.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Nina » March 24th, 2013, 8:36 am

Sky wrote:When I search for a word in English, and click on the Lakota word it gives me, it searches the Lakota word for me automatically...however in the upgrade, it doesn't do it properly, when I click the word, it searches random characters.

Hello Sky,

What browser and operating system are you using? I use Win XP, Firefox 19, but a number of people have reported a problem with Firefox. Google Chrome seems to work OK. There are also some problems with Androids - see Kostya's post earlier in this topic.

Hopefully these bugs will all be fixed soon!

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Sky » March 24th, 2013, 10:47 am

My fault, skimmed over that post:

You should specify:
1. your OS - Windows 8
2. your browser - IE 10
3. what exactly does not work - Clicking the Lakota word on the English side, it searches random characters.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby timk » March 24th, 2013, 3:21 pm

Having the NLD-O gone for a few weeks sure made me appreciate what a great thing it is.
Wóphila tȟáŋka to everyone who makes it possible.

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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby timk » March 24th, 2013, 5:38 pm

Just wanted to let you know about a couple of quirks I've come across:

I've searched for "šmÁ" several different ways and the response is always: No success with "šmÁ"

I've tried both "Approximate spelling" and "Exact match". I've also tried clicking on the Lakota word on the English side.

I'm using Chrome Version 25 on OS X - 10.7.5.

Also, in the dictionary, when searching for a Lakota word, should an accent mark be placed over a vowel if I type a single quote immediately after the vowel? I've tried this in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox and it isn't working with the new NDL-O.

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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Nina » March 25th, 2013, 5:03 am

Hi Tim,

tmk wrote:I've searched for "šmÁ" several different ways and the response is always: No success with "šmÁ"

Weird. It doesn’t work for me either. I’m using Firefox 19, Win XP and I haven’t come across anything like that before. Thanks for letting us know.

As for typing accents – the layout of the VK in NLD-O differs slightly from that of the VK in the forum. On the NLD-O page, mouse over HELP (bottom right) the layout is explained there. Apart from the stressed vowels, only the positions of ž and the glottal stop have changed so not too much to remember, hopefully! I haven’t yet discovered how to type capital Á, but perhaps it's not necessary.

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby timk » March 25th, 2013, 7:58 pm

Thanks Nina.
It's great to have the keyboard shortcuts.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Kostya » March 30th, 2013, 1:30 am

NDLI tool (instant translation upon double clicking or mouse-selecting a word) is back again.
I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project (Donation #: 841496). Can you help too?
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby NancyD » March 30th, 2013, 2:53 am

Kostya wrote:NDLI tool (instant translation upon double clicking or mouse-selecting a word) is back again.

Thank you!
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Daniel » March 30th, 2013, 4:29 am

Kostya wrote:NDLI tool (instant translation upon double clicking or mouse-selecting a word) is back again.

Kostya, philámayaye. Itȟáŋčhaŋ heníčha. :clapping:
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Jana » March 30th, 2013, 4:51 pm


Oh, we are all gonna be so lazy again! ;)
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby BlackClaw » April 2nd, 2013, 1:39 pm

i like the new dictionary it helps me alot of the time when i can't figure out what a word means
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Daniel » April 5th, 2013, 6:41 am

Háu Kostya na mitákuyepi,

Since yesterday, I have been unable to use the NLD-O, and yet I am logged in.
When I want to type a word I have no problem, but when I click on "Search" I get "You surpassed your daily limit for searches. To have more access to the dictionary you have to become full member." !?! :shock:

And morever, there is this speech at the top of my NLD-O page:

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /nldo_lookups_per_day.php on line 65: Undefined index: nldo
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3786: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3788: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3789: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3790: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)

I updated several times "Dictionary: 1 Flush local DB -> Dictionary: 4 Done.." but in vain.
My OS is Windows Vista and my browser is Mozilla Firefox 16.0.1 (x86fr).

Thank you in advance.
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Nina » April 5th, 2013, 6:50 am


I am having this problem too. I have managed to clear it a couple of times by clicking "Flush local DB" at the very bottom of a forum page, then refreshing or re-opening NLD-O. I'm sure Kostya will be able to fix it soon.

I'm using XP and Firefox 19.0.2

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Daniel » April 5th, 2013, 8:59 am

Nina wrote:Daniel,

I am having this problem too. I have managed to clear it a couple of times by clicking "Flush local DB" at the very bottom of a forum page, then refreshing or re-opening NLD-O. I'm sure Kostya will be able to fix it soon.

I'm using XP and Firefox 19.0.2


Thank you for your reply but it seems that it is a bug.
I have downloaded Google Chrome because I thought Mozilla had a problem. So, the NLD-O page opened out without all the speech I talked to you. But when I clicked "Search", nothing but this strange message "You surpassed your daily limit for searches. To have more access to the dictionary you have to become full member." Then, I returned to Mozilla, I cliked "Flush local DB", with no result.
So, I came back to Google Chrome, and, amazingly enough, it worked without any problem this time. :-V-:
I was glad and I returned to Mozilla but I always found that bug. So, I thought Google chrome was ok now, since it worked a short while ago. But, not only it didn't work this time, but there was the same speech that was visible on Mozilla. :bomb:
I get the same bad result with Internet Explorer.

I am sure, as a last hope, our Magic Kostya is going to kill that damned bug. ;)

Daniel :rose:
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Timo » April 5th, 2013, 10:09 am


I am have this problem again :cray: :?:

Kihélaka yo.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Jaroslav » April 5th, 2013, 10:27 am

I report also inoperable on Google chrome.
above it looks like this:

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /nldo_lookups_per_day.php on line 65: Undefined index: nldo
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3786: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3788: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3789: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 3790: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/functions.php:3184)

And there are instead of Lakota fonts, some unknown characters. :roll:
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby admin » April 5th, 2013, 10:31 am

Thank you all for the reports. We are aware of the problem and we are working on it.
We hope that the NLDO will be up and running within the next 24 hours.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Kostya » April 5th, 2013, 11:28 am

I'll fix this within 3-4 hours
I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project (Donation #: 841496). Can you help too?
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Daniel » April 6th, 2013, 2:50 am

Kostya wrote:I'll fix this within 3-4 hours


Akhé wakȟáŋyaȟʼaŋ k'uŋ wíyokihi čha ičhíčiyuškiŋ na wóphila tȟáŋka ečhíčiye ló.
Waphíya winíčhaša ȟče:

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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Kostya » April 6th, 2013, 2:53 am

Wóphila, Daniel. :)
Éyaš, wablúphike šni, hé wóawaštelake héčha.
I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project (Donation #: 841496). Can you help too?
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Daniel » April 6th, 2013, 6:46 am

Kostya wrote:Wóphila, Daniel. :)
Éyaš, wablúphike šni, hé wóawaštelake héčha.

Kȟolá, líla niblíheča éyaš niglúhukhučiyela. :)
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby John Vander Veer » April 6th, 2013, 7:23 am


Right now I no longer see the sample sentences in NLDO or NLDI.

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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Kostya » April 6th, 2013, 12:16 pm

John Vander Veer wrote:Right now I no longer see the sample sentences in NLDO or NLDI.

--John, it is an aftermath of the previous bugs. I tested your user permissions, and could view the NLDO with example sentences. NLDI is now set to pure definitions and grammar stuff, without examples, to make it more compact.

You should delete the cookies from this site in your browser. Or: Log out, open NLDO, then log in, and open NLDO again. This should help, as far as I know my algorithm.

Currently example sentences are seen by Active users (Škíŋčiyapi)
I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project (Donation #: 841496). Can you help too?
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Victoria » May 3rd, 2013, 9:24 am

Aŋpétu wašté

I hope somebody can help me with my problem. Just a minute ago I tried to find some words in NLD-O and here what it gave me
"That's all for today. Currently you have 10000 lookups in a dictionary per day.
To have more lookups you should {here the sentence ends}.
Do we have any new restrictions? By the way, I haven't used NLD-O today yet. Can somebody explain me what's the matter?
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Timo » May 3rd, 2013, 10:59 am


Why NLD-O give me text;

That's all for today. Currently you have 10000 lookups in a dictionary per day.
To have more lookups you should

I can't use it !!! :cray:

Kihélaka yo.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Victoria » May 3rd, 2013, 11:57 am

I thought I was the only one outcast with such problem. Now Timo's having that one too!!!!! :crazy:
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Kostya » May 3rd, 2013, 11:59 am

Friends, I can only suggest that you
a) either open NLDO on another browser, e.g. Chrome
b) or logout from the forum, delete all the cookies for the site, and then log in again
I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project (Donation #: 841496). Can you help too?
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Rolf » May 4th, 2013, 2:09 am

Háu Kostya,
this morning I stumbled across an incomplete entry:

just shows LY. Vt+2 but not -> yutȟókeča
as it should do, compared to the printed version.

The whole thing works fine on my Firefox browser. Absolutely no complaints. Thanks for the tremendous effort! :good:
Tókša akhé
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Victoria » May 4th, 2013, 4:18 am

Friends, I can only suggest that you
a) either open NLDO on another browser, e.g. Chrome
b) or logout from the forum, delete all the cookies for the site, and then log in again

Thank you. Kostya. Changing browser does help.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Sky » August 22nd, 2013, 10:11 am

When you are not logged into the forum, and utilize your 5 look-ups as a guest, and then the link to Sign Up or Log-In pops up, when I click Log-in, it takes me to a dead link.
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Nina » August 22nd, 2013, 11:47 am

Sky wrote:When you are not logged into the forum, and utilize your 5 look-ups as a guest, and then the link to Sign Up or Log-In pops up, when I click Log-in, it takes me to a dead link.

Hello Sky,

I'll let the programmers know. The Forum was renamed a couple of times during the rebuilding after the virus attack, my guess is that the link wasn't updated. Thanks for letting us know!

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: NLD-O back online (version 3.0)

Postby Mac56 » September 29th, 2013, 9:36 pm

Philámayaye! NLD waštéwalake!
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