Join in the SoWs

Join in the SoWs

Postby Jac and Nakoma 1 » January 16th, 2024, 2:34 pm

Hi everyone,
I hope you have read Daniels welcome and I add mine too. We don't bite, honestly! It doesn't matter how much you know. We are all continuously learning. Try a SoW. It's not about being correct or not.Just try your best. There is no judging and we just try and help. Yes, we all like to be right but if you make any mistakes it's not a big deal. Daniel is very knowledgeable, patient and will help you understand were you went wrong and what to do.We are very lucky to have his help so take him up on his offer!!!!!!!
Tókša :)
Jac and Nakoma 1
Activity level - ičíakešakowiŋ
Activity level - ičíakešakowiŋ
Posts: 1221
Joined: March 12th, 2018, 6:01 am
Karma: 0

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