Visitors, the SoWs are waiting for you!

Visitors, the SoWs are waiting for you!

Postby Daniel » January 16th, 2024, 10:53 am

Dears fellows visitors,

It seems that many of you visit the Forum, but very very few of you dare to take the first step and actively participate in the Sentences of the Week (SoWs) in the DISCUSSIONS and Teachings for BEGINNERS section.

It's a shame there are so few of you, because it's a great way of learning Lakota for beginners or anyone else interessed.

We would be delighted to welcome you, if you would like to join the ranks of those who are not afraid to embark on the wonderful adventure of learning the Lakota language.

All my best wishes for a joyful New Year.
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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