WÓPHILA uŋkéničiyape ló.

WÓPHILA uŋkéničiyape ló.

Postby admin » January 29th, 2009, 6:45 am


The first month in the life of the new forum is nearing its end. Therefore it is about time to express our thanks to everybody who participated in bringing this forum to life.

First of all, many thanks go to the LLC and its board of directors who have been supportive of the idea.

We also express our thanks to Biagio Arobba, a young Lakota man from Pine Ridge, for taking the initiative to install the phpBB3 forum when others were too busy doing other things. We do hope to see you around Biagio.

The forum would not have come to life without Konstantine Chmielnicky, whose excellent programming ideas and implementations have been invaluable for all our projects. Much of the great functionalities of the Virtual Keyboard and the LLC keyboard are due to his programming. Not to mention the lemmatizer, spellchecker and other tools in preparation. But Konstantine's input for the forum actually lies in other less obvious spheres as well.

Thanks go to the moderators who have helped a great deal to shape the forum, to breathe in its character and make it run. Wóphila!

We also thank all registered members and accepted members, but especially those who have been active in making good posts, writing in Lakota, reading Lakota, listening to Lakota, conversing, discussing language issues and providing feedback for other students. Only with active members can the forum really live. We are very happy to see a good number of very advanced students who use written Lakota on a very good proficiency level. And we are equally glad to see many beginner students who are eager to learn and committed to advancing in it. For all of these students the forum creates an opportunity to be in the company of others who are passionate about learning this beautiful language.

We are very happy to see many native people here (over 40), whether they are first language Lakota speakers or not, and we hope that they can feel at home and share learning and using the language with other members.

We would like to encourage more of the registered members to upgrade their membership by taking the entry test. It is a very simple test that anybody can pass as long as they possess the New Lakota Dictionary, are willing to look things up in it and use the Virtual Keyboard integral to the forum. Only by upgrading your membership can you fully participate in the forum activities and take advantage of its many useful features.

One month after the official launch the statistics of the site are as follows:

• Hoší wówapi lenákeča 1635 (total posts)
• Wóiwoglake lenákeča 327 (total topics)
• Ópȟapi kiŋ lenákečapi 180 (registered members)
• Ópȟawičhayapi kiŋ lenákečapi: 51 (accepted members)
Posts: 430
Joined: December 15th, 2008, 9:17 am
Karma: 197

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