2010 Lakȟótiyapi Summer Institute

2010 Lakȟótiyapi Summer Institute

Postby admin » January 14th, 2010, 2:50 pm

The Lakota Language Consortium (LLC) would like to announce that the 2010 Lakȟótiyapi Summer Institute (LSI) will be held at Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, ND, June 7th -25th.

The Summer Institute is a major undertaking and plays a vital role in the revitalization of the Lakota Language. Registration is now open. You can read about LSI and see the detailed agenda here:


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Re: 2010 Lakȟótiyapi Summer Institute

Postby pmwinyan1 » March 30th, 2010, 3:42 pm

Does anyone here in the states know of a college or university that has a Masters Level program in American Indian Studies? Denver University used to have one and I have 12 credits I could use toward a Masters; they stopped it about 6 years ago.
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Re: 2010 Lakȟótiyapi Summer Institute

Postby Tacanipiluta » June 6th, 2014, 9:28 am

Háu Mitákuyepi,
Aŋpétu wašté!

Regarding the "special edition" LSI 2014 emails. Philámayayapi!!
I can only imagine how fortunate it is to be there this week and having the opportunity to be learning more, listening to Dr. Lanny Real Bird present his class on Plains Sign Language, listening to Kevin Locke and Richard Dube' present about using a Lakota-style flute as a way to approach language learning, and it must be really fortunate to be there experiencing it all!

Aŋpétu wašté waŋží yuhá po.

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