Speak to me Part 4

Speak to me Part 4

Postby Jac and Nakoma 1 » January 25th, 2025, 12:25 pm

Hóčha, after I'd learnt some greetings I covered my house in post-it-notes.(Do be careful if you do the same and don't put them where they could fall down or get blown onto things and catch fire :!: ) I have post-it-notes in the shape of burgers,fries, popsicles,chips but that's not good as they make me hungry :!: .Nakóma , igmú mitȟáwa, then had a new game - take down as many post-it-notes ASAP .She would take them under the bed, table and into my neighbor's garden.I didn't like to keep going round and saying,"Please can I have Nakóma's realistic gray mouse,rat and post-it-notes back".So,ever tried spear fishing ?.I taped several bamboo poles together and sharpened the end and caught my post-it-notes over the waist height picket fence. Nakóma , however, thought this was another game and would jump or pounce at them.One day I came home and saw Nakóma on the path with a post-it-note.I went over and it said Oákaŋke.I gave her a poke and said,"Lé oákaŋke héčha šni.Lé igmú héčha".That was the first time I had spoken in Lakota without thinking it out in English first and then putting it into Lakota.You always remember your first sentence and Nakóma got a hug and to keep her post-it-note.If you have post-it-notes all over the place you can't help but seeing them and the words sink into your brain (especially the ones near my coffee mug, coffee jar and cookie jar :burst: .)For weeks I kept saying,aloud,"Lé táku he ?" I think it's helpful if you see an object and instead of thinking and saying,"It's a chair",in English just look at it and go straight for the Lakota -"oákaŋke." I wonder does anyone else do this ?
Hóčha, post-it-note your house and classroom if your allowed or haven't already done so and Speak :!:
Lakȟótiyapi thewáȟila :good:
Tókša :)
Jac and Nakoma 1
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