It is with sorrow, but with hope in the Resurrection, that I announce the passing of my dearest friend, known to Forum members as Gnugnúška, aged 88, from this world into eternity yesterday, March 4, 2024.
Oscar joined the Forum in its infancy in 2009. 1,657 posts later with his last view on Feb.24 of this year, he was passionate about preserving the language of the People.
I will directly quote from his mother’s journal written over 70 years ago:
“When Oscar was in the second grade he got into a heated argument with his Dad at the dinner table about the treatment of Indians. Paul said something that hurt him. He stopped talking, hung his head. He didn't eat. Tears splashed down into the plate.”
And then, in typical Oscar fashion, he went outside and burned down the outhouse! What a boy! And later…What a man!
He, modest as always, would not want me to list his accomplishments, but he was a world traveler, a linguist for the Air Force, an engineer and a man known for his honesty and integrity. It would be difficult to find someone equal to him.
I met him through the Forum 11 years ago with the SOWs that were popular then. Our friendship grew and we determined to write a book together that would both promote the language and do justice to a very painful and tragic period for the People. Years in the making, he poured over every sentence, researched every detail to give the book authenticity. Yes, we were two very “white” people, who sought to tell the truth and the power of reconciliation that could only benefit the People and indeed, everyone in this great nation of ours and beyond.
How proud he was when the book was published! How excited we both became when we posted the book on News and Announcements here! How he insisted we lower the price so that our profit was minimum…about a dollar for each book purchased.
We watched the views on our post grow rapidly in January. “We are either becoming famous or infamous!” I said. It seems the latter is most truthful as after our posts received, currently, 24,336 views, only 2 books were purchased. Did any of these views prompt anyone to really look at the book before it was judged? Or was the book just judged by the ethnicity of its authors?
I will leave the conclusion up to you.
Let me end by saying the world became a little poorer at his passing yesterday, but that Heaven rejoiced at his return home. Rest in Peace, my beloved friend.
And let him add what he always lived by:
日日是好日。Day in and day out, every day is a good day.