SoW resuming

SoW resuming

Postby GnaskaGleska1 » July 18th, 2017, 10:19 am

Hi everyone.

With Jan’s approval, the section SoW, which had been interrupted for more than three years now, starts again today with new rules and recommendations that will need to be followed carefully and faithfully.
Since this exercise is designed for beginners, everyone has to stick closely to the pattern, keeping the sentences simple, and giving their translation.
Proper punctuation has to be applied. Sentences start with a capital letter and end with either a period, a question mark or an exclamation mark. A maximum of two sentences per topic is allowed.
After corrections and comments have been made by the correcting members, students have to go back to their initial post and make the proper changes in order to present a perfect sentence. They also need to indicate that the sentence has been corrected by writing (corrected) next to or under the said sentence.
All sentences deemed too complicated, and all wanderings out of the topic will be disregarded. As Nancy put it once very rightfully, « adding extra "buttons and bows" will only confuse beginners. »
Also, keep in mind that the members volunteer their time to check your work, and often go the extra mile to give you ampler explanations. Therefore, indicating who helped you with your work is a good way to demonstrate some courtesy.
Last, although we want to keep the same title, new SoW won't necessarily be generated every week, but once or twice a month, depending on the members' availability.

Now you are ready to start.
Blihíč’iya pe!
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